Never posted although written by me to my parents, and stamped! It must have been bought in 1980.
Le Mont Saint-Michel (Manche) 13107 "Merveille de l'Occident" aux confins de la Bretagne et de la Normandie. Ilot granitique de 900 metres de périmetre. Le sommet de la fleche de l'église abbatiale est a 150 metres au-dessus du niveau de la mer.
The Mount of St Michael (Manche) 13107 "Miracle of the west" at the borders of Brittany and Normandy. A granite island 900 metres perimeter. The top of the abbey spire is 150 metres above sea level.
Mont Saint-Michel is currently celebrating its 1300 anniversary, and the causeway and car parks leading to it are being replaced by a pedestrian bridge and shuttle in order to preserve the marine and coastal environment around it.
I can vouch for it being the most wonderful sight.
Caught up with you again today. I do love your blog. Especially like this one because it reminds me of a visit there while on holiday in Brittany some 20 years ago. Interesting to hear of the planned developments.
ReplyDeleteThanks jakill :)