Wednesday 24 December 2008

Santa's Castle, New Hampshire, USA

Postmarked only with a sticker and I see nothing to indicate an area.  Dated 2 September 2005.

Christmas in New England at benson's Animal Park, Hudson New Hampshire.

It was sent to me in September but I think it is more appropriate to post on Christmas Eve.  The person who sent it was apparently particularly fond of chimpanzees.


  1. This is probably a man wearing a monkey suit costume.

    Thanks for the postcard link on your sidebar. I have registered there. It's a great hobby indeed.

  2. LOL - so CUTE!

    I stumbled here for an EntreCard drop and have really enjoyed your photos. I wish you Mele Kalikimaka from Oahu and mahalo for a lovely blog!

  3. This is adorable, I found your site through your entrecard today.

  4. Wishing you and your family a Merry Xmas!!


Welcome to my postcard collection! I love hearing what you think of the cards - but spam WILL be deleted.

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