Sunday, 29 March 2009

Parliament, Ottawa

Unused, bought by myself in 1992.
Parliament of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Photo Larry Zarysky & Associates.

This postcard doesn't show it clearly, but the site is on a hill, once a military base.  It was built originally in 1859 after Queen Victoria chose Ottawa to be the seat of government.  Previously it had alternated between Ontario and Québec.  In 1916 a fire destroyed much of the Centre Block and the new building was finished in 1922.  It is one of the most recognisable buildings in Canada and appears on the $10, $20 and $50 bills.

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  1. Sheila, I just wanted to say congrats on being on Slogbite's site a day! WTG! I also wanted to let you know that I understand about the EC, allot of people are getting rid of it.

  2. i love all the post cards on here. makes me want to go to all those places!

  3. Hey Sheila,

    This is such a nice postcard!
    So let me see if I got the concept correctly: you buy used and new postcards during your visits abroad or whenever you get the chance, eh?

    Very interesting! :D


  4. Sheila,
    ((( here's a virtual hug )))

    thanks for the referral to Slogbites.
    I listed you on my join form, since your widget finally convinced me to click it. ;)

    thanks for the credits, wish I could still spend them with you. but I did ! on cmf. Ha Ha Ha..

    here's an early april fools happy face :0
    Cheers Sweets. be sure to stop by tomorrow. there's something special planned on badgals.


  5. I'm getting very far behind with my relies - sorry all.

    @Jodi, many thanks! I'll still be around.

    @Tina, hi! Good to meet you.

    @Max C, most of them, certainly the older ones, were my father's, the more modern ones I've bought on my travels as you say, or been sent them through PostCrossing.

    @RE, you're very welcome. :)


Welcome to my postcard collection! I love hearing what you think of the cards - but spam WILL be deleted.

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