Sunday 5 July 2009

Würzburg: Käppele

Postmarked Briefzentrum 97 and dated 6 June 2009.
Alte Bischofsstadt, am schönen Main gelegen.
Pulsierende Haupstadt Unterfrankens.

Auf dem Nikolausberg entstand das letzte Bauwerk von Balthasar Neuman 1745-1750. Über einen steilen Treppenweg mit Stationsbilder erreichbar, wird im Inneren der herrliche Stuck von M. Feuchtmayer und M. Bossi sichtbar.

This roughly translated means:
On Nikolausberg the last building of Balthasar Neuman appeared in 1745-1750. Above a steep stair way with station of the cross becoming visible in the wonderful stucco of M. Feuchtmayer and M. Bossi.

It is a pilgrimage church, reached by a steep and shady lane. It is on a hill opposite the cathedral and there are beautiful views, especially in the evening.
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  1. Oh, I like this one. It looks like a fairy tale castle.

  2. It does. It seems to me really unusual for Germany.


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