Saturday 12 June 2010


I've been very fortunate to have been sent cards from a number of unusual places (in Postcrossing terms) recently, all of them firsts for me: Croatia, Georgia, Israel, Macau, Puerto Rica, Romania.  So I was a little startled to find that this card from Denmark was among those firsts.

It shows Frederiksborg Palace built nearly 400 years ago by Christian IV in the Renaissance style, the largest in Scandinavia.  It is built on three islands on the site of a previous castle built by Frederik II.  It had to be restored by Christian V after being plundered in 1659.  All Danish monarchs between  1671 and 1840 were crowned there though in that time it was rarely used as a residence.  Nowadays it is a museum, the National History Museum, and houses an important collection of paintings.

The card doesn't give a name to the gentleman on the left. My guess is Christian IV.
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Welcome to my postcard collection! I love hearing what you think of the cards - but spam WILL be deleted.

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