Saturday 31 July 2010

Electronic mail

I found this delightful card in my mail today.  The translation was kindly provided by the sender, fortunately, because I don't speak a word of Finnish and the Google translator doesn't seem to have come to grips with it at all.

"I have heard that mail goes by electricity nowadays, email."
"Hmm.  By electricity?"
"I hope it doesn't give me a shock."

I think what makes it especially funny to me is that I can almost imagine my grandmother having that conversation.

A post for Weekend Mailbox run at Gemma's Greyscale Territory. If you have any mail related post, do go on over and join in.


  1. O this is so cute! An unusual colouring and design for a postcard! And love your comment too!

    Thank you again for joining in my Weekend Mailbox meme!

  2. I like this - it looks so 'comfortable' if you understand what I mean. Great fun!

  3. to receive a greeting card from the mail in this high-tech computer world is just beautiful. i miss that feeling :)

  4. Sometimes I really get tired of is a thrill to get a real letter or card.


Welcome to my postcard collection! I love hearing what you think of the cards - but spam WILL be deleted.

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