Thursday 22 July 2010

Spiral stairs

Outside staircases at Kehrwiederfleet.

All rising to great place is by a winding stair - Francis Bacon, Essays or Counsels XI.

This card shows the old warehouses in the harbour quarter of Hamburg, the Speicherstadt,  which was built between 1883 and 1928.  The warehouses, 17 of them all seven or eight storeys high, make up the largest warehouse complex of that time in the world.  They are on the tentative list to be considered for inclusion as one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites.
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  1. Hi Sheila, love that spiral staircase, really classic too. But climbing up 8 floors, might get seasick when reach the top, ha ha.
    Just kidding.
    You took this pic?
    Best regards and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  2. Oh, my goodness, Sheila, there is no way I could make that climb. Somehow, with my spinal stenosis, arthritis, etc, walking is about my ultimate exercise these days...and that is done slowly and carefully!

  3. That is really eye-catching and rather beautiful! Have these warehouses not been converted into desirable living quarters as they seem to be in most places. I'd love to live with a view over the harbour.

  4. I absolutely love your blog! I've been working on a similar sort of idea. I make all the postcards myself--they're all hand-drawn-- and I try to send at least one to two out a week. I'd love your feedback.



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