Tuesday 14 December 2010

And we shall have snow 2: - firs in Finland

I expected, rightly, that snow scenes would be easily come by amongst my Finnish postcards, and I could easily have done a full week's worth.  This is one of them, sent from a small town called Nokia!

I had no idea that the Nokia telecommunications company started in a town called Nokia.  I'd never really thought about its name.  Sadly, since 2008, they no longer have any operations in Nokia and have moved about 200 kilometres south.


  1. When I lived in Finland, I drove around on Nokia tyres, and wore Nokia rubber boots. I could heartily recommend Nokia's Hakkapelitta talvirenkkat. (studded winter tyres)
    Because Nokia phones became so important, the company split in the 1990s, and the rubber manufacturing side agreed to be rebranded as Nokian.

    Those trees are in early winter mode. Later on they'll be so full of snow that you'll not see individual branches, just a blobby cone of snow.

    The fir tree, Spruce is in finnish, "kuusipuu", which translates as kuusi=six puu=tree, literally six-tree.

    Why six tree? look at a spruce. Slice it at a branch-node on the trunk, and you'll see each node has six branches, arranged at sixty-degree intervals. Like a snowflake: six- tree. Layer upon layer of six-node branches.

  2. I didn't know about Nokia either. I thought it was Japanese. :(

  3. What magnificent trees. I can't imagine, though, living in that much snow!


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