Friday, 25 February 2011

More Portuguese tiles

The exterior of an old house in Lisbon showing the traditional azulejos.  Almost every city in Portugal has buildings with similar tiling.  While the buildings are being restored, every effort is being made to protect and preserve the originals.


  1. I would love to see that in person.

  2. That is really beautiful! I remember walking around Spain and being amazed by all of the tile details. I imagine I would be in my element in Portugal!

  3. So beautiful. I didn't have that much time in Lisbon, unfortunately. I wish I still had the funds to return. Retirement hasn't been kind to me.

  4. Very unusual but also colorful and unique. There was so much superb craftsmanship involved in building luxury homes once - it's a good thing these monuments of art and imagination are being preserved.


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