Thursday 31 March 2011

Eight generals

There was no information on the other side of this card from Taiwan, but Google image search has saved the day.

It shows part of a traditional religious ceremony, a temple procession, showing the "eight generals", Ba Jia Jiang, protecting the people and bringing evil spirits to justice in the next world.  They could be considered Hell's policemen.  They are not allowed smile.
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  1. I agree! Very colorful postcard.
    Google and Wiki always saves the day for me. :)

  2. Awesome job for those generals. I wouldn't want that job! And fearsome colorful faces, enough to scare most anyone!

  3. That is really stunning! I have a bloggy friend in Taiwan (Taipei) and I certainly intend to visit her one day.

  4. Pretty unique, scarey postcard. It's probably a good idea that they're not allowed to smile!

  5. Beautiful post card. The colors are amazing. Wonder how heavy those headdress are though.

  6. nice postcard.
    nice blog site!

    mine is
    i hope you like it too :)

  7. What fantastic face painting...better than my eyeshadow, even!!!


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