Tuesday, 13 December 2011


The former chocolate factory in Noisiel, in France, was built in the 19th century on the banks of the river Marne for Emile Menier.  It rests on four stone piers built into the river bed.  It has a framework of hollow metal pillars, in-filled with bricks.  It is thought to be the first building with a true skeleton structure and is on the tentative World Heritage List.  It's now the headquarters of NestlĂ©, France

This is one of several cards I have recently received from Famalubel of Unescards.  I had to decide which to show first but chocolate will always win the day.
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  1. Can never go wrong with chocolate.

  2. Today I received your great card from Monaco, many thanks Sheila, you made my day!

  3. @Odie, very true!

    @Fabienne, I'm very glad it arrived safely. :) the first as far as I can tell.


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