Saturday, 12 May 2012

Lord Kitchener's buttons

Lord Kitchener of Khartoum
With Sudanese he overcame
With sudden ease GLOBE does the same!
Let rivals rave and scorners scoff
Just rub it on and rub it off!
Then Helmets, Buttons, brilliant shine:
"GLOBE POLISH" wins along the line!

An early advertising card found amongst my father's collection.

On the reverse it says:
Ask for "GLOBE-TAB" and see that you get it.
The "GLOBE-TAB" is infinitely the Best and Cheapest POLISHING TABLET ever introduced for the Army and Navy.  It is unequalled for imparting a DAZZLING BRILLIANCY to all kinds of metal and is highly recommended for MILITARY BUTTONS and similar uneven surfaces.
ONE PENNY per large tablet (nearly twice the usual size.
N.B. For ordinary surfaces such as helmets, band instruments, we recommend the GLOBE METAL POLISH in TINS.
Sold at all the canteens and military stores.

I haven't been able to find any information whatsoever about "GLOBE-TAB".  It seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.

A post for Sepia Saturday.  A click on the button will take you to the blog.
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  1. Lord Kitchener seems to have had plenty of medals to polish. But what I love about your post is the humorous connection of "royal" and "KITCHENer" to our prompt photo!

  2. I bet someone out there still has some.

  3. Buffing buttons reminds me of my army days when Brasso and Blanco ruled.

  4. Polished to extinction no doubt!

  5. So funny! I'll rush down to my local canteen store and make sure that I get some, lol. Great post!

    Kathy M.

  6. Yes, but was it also used to shine pots and pans? I wonder.

  7. I wonder if he was ever teased about his name.

  8. Oh my, it rubbed itself out of existence. Or just so shiny that we can no longer see it.

  9. What a fascinating card. I suspect that there was about as much chance of Lord K polishing his own medals with Globe and there was Queen Vic cooking porridge in that kitchen.

  10. I found a couple things for sale on eBay. It is rare. It is interesting. HE is interesting. I must find out more about him.

  11. Some people only look interesting in their pictures. He was not so much to me. The wiki picture showing the bottom half of this picture and those silly little short pants and bony knees. It put me off. Nice buttons of course. I did take a shine to them.

  12. Someone spent a lot of time polishing his buttons and medals - he looks quite austere and regal. Lots of spit and shine went into keeping him that way.


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