Thursday 12 July 2012

A farmstead

It looks as though it could be the drawing room in a country house but it does give the title of the painting on the back of the card as "Farmstead Razhdzestvena".  I think the farmstead must have belonged to what we would call a gentleman farmer.  The painting hangs in the National Art Museum of Belarus.

According to a Russian art site's biography, the artist, Stanislav Zhukovsky, was a Polish-Russian who was particularly fond of painting the interiors of houses belonging to the landed gentry (as well as landscapes).  His apparent nostalgia for the lavish lifestyle caused trouble for him in the Bolshevik era so he moved back to Poland, his ancestral homeland.
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  1. Beautiful card but not the normal farm house scene I would expect

  2. What a lovely room. Quite a well to do farmer or so it seems.


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