Wednesday 16 July 2008

St Martin de Ré

A card I bought while visiting St Martin de Ré to celebrate the New Year 2008. We stayed in one of the buildings right at the centre of this card.St Martin is a lively and attractive town and harbour on the Ile de Ré.

Fortifications surround the town, first built by Richelieu and restored by Vauban in 1685. These fortifications have this year become the 32nd French site to be put on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

Here is a photo of the harbour, taken during our visit. As you can see it was a foggy day, but it didn't spoil our enjoyment at all. Fortunately the next day dawned bright and clear.


  1. Sheila - this is such a lovely idea for a blog. Thanks for finding me through EntreCard and I look forward to more post cards.

  2. I'm very glad to have found you! I'm about to embark on a week of postcards from Paris very soon, prompted by a wave of nostalgia over the three years we lived there.

  3. I like the one on a foggy day!


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