Friday 29 August 2008

Genoa again

Two cards for Ludovico!

A card bought when on holiday August 1993. It was never posted. There is no explanation on the back about any of the pictures.

This card was bought at the same time as the previous one. It shows the sea fromt at Nervi. The promenade provides a lovelywalk along the coast.


  1. Many many thanks! The first is a Columbus postcard. It celebrates the city where the explorer was born (yes, Genoa, as generally assumed). From left to right: the harbour, his monument, one of his caravels, a portrait by Ghirlandaio now in the Museum of the sea and navigation of Genoa and last his (supposed) house. Due to the cars, I think the postcard is earlier than 1993 (I think it's about 1970).

    For the second one, take a look at this second one (beginning of 1900, I think):

    Thanks again!

  2. Thank you Ludovico for all the information about Columbus. That's really great. And as for the second, well it's amazing! It has hardly changed.


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