Monday 8 September 2008

Montgomery, Vermont

Postmarked Newport, Vermont. Dated 13 August 1987.

Vt. 80
West Hill Covered Bridge
Montgomery, Vermont
Vermont has an abundance of beautiful places - some of which are very secret.  A sense of discovery and some information from a local Vermonter should prove very helpful.

I have never been to this part of the USA but if I ever get the chance Vermont is one place I'd love to visit. Any pictures I've seen look beautiful.


  1. This is a pretty one. I've given you an award over at my blog :)

  2. First off, let me congratulate you on a job well done with this blog. I have reviewed "A Postcard a Day" and have added it to Blogging Women.

    I also want to tell you that I spent a year in Stowe Vermont (many years ago as a teenager). It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.

    Continued success with this blog!


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