Friday 17 October 2008

Eastbourne, England

Postmarked Gatwick, and dated 15 November 2004.

The Wish Tower, Eastbourne, East Sussex.

Martello Towers, of which the Wish Tower is one, were built by the British Army in the 19th century for coastal defence. Seventy four of them were built along the south coast of England but only 25 of them still exist today. The Wish Tower at Eastbourne is No. 73.

The Wish Tower is easily the most well-known (and documented) of all the south coast Martellos, its name coming from the 'wish', 'wash' or marshland nearby. At one time it was regarded as an eyesore and considered for demolition, but was let to a family who turned it into a museum. During WWII it was requisitioned by the War Office and used once again for defence.


  1. Just came back from Eastbourne!

  2. oh how fun!!! I love yoru blog ...neat idea

  3. This is such a cool idea. Just out of curiosity, woe many postcards did your dad collect?

    I would love to invite you to join SlogBite.Com in the "Travel" category. I would love to help promote your site. (NO COST involved.


  4. @tNb, really? I keep having coincidences with these cards :)
    @Diane, I'm glad you enjoy it!
    @SlogBite, I had a look at your site earlier, and was intending to come back later. Yes, I will, thank you.

  5. I have a friend who lives in Eastbourne and I've seen this tower but never knew what it was. Such a funny looking building with such a great name.

  6. Interesting - doesn't look intimidating enough to be used for defense, but I don't know enough about the structure and its' historical use.

  7. SueG, yes a funny looking building is right!
    Generated Madness, I gather the idea was that they were built close together so that any invaders could be caught in cross-fire.

  8. The museum you mention. Is that the puppet museum which closed in about 1999 or are you talking about something much earlier? Just interested as I'm starting to look in to the history of the place.

    1. It was 4 years ago that wrote that and I'm afraid I can't remember where I found the information.


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