Saturday 31 January 2009

Lucy's Bicycle Trip

Postmarked Erie PA, dated 9 July 2004.

"Lucy's Bicycle Trip" (on the set April 23, 1956)

Lucille Ball (1911 - 1989) was an American comedienne and star of the I Love Lucy sitcom series on television, which were repeated, and repeated, and repeated, on British television.  The picture on the card is taken from an episode during which she learns to milk a cow.
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  1. Cute Card. Our Miss Lucy seemed to make friends all over the globe. she was such an ambassador of good will. we could sure use a few like her today.

    btw, thanks Top Dropper - you've got an award at BadGalsRadio

  2. Thanks Top Dropper

  3. I remember Lucille for like my whole childhood she was on TV! Thanks you made my top droppers list

  4. Nice B&W postcard!

  5. What a great postcard of lucy.. I watch this rerun about 3 wks ago.. what a great American comedienne she was..

  6. @RE, thanks, I've been to collect my award. :)
    @Travel, yes, the repeats seemed to go on for ever. Still funny though.
    @MBL, I don't seem to get very many B&W cards.
    @Stonesthro, they are stillbeing shown? Amazing.

  7. I grew up on I love lucy. Thanks for helping me relive the memories.


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