Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Hope Cove, Devon

Postmarked Plymouth, dated 2 August 2005.

Hope Cove is made up of two separate villages - Outer Hope and Inner Hope.  Once it was a thriving fishing village, haunt of smugglers and plunderers of wrecks, but now mainly a holiday resort.

It is the only place in England where Spaniards came ashore during the reign of Elizabeth I.  One of the ships of the Spanish Armada was wrecked there on the Shippen Rock in 1588.
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  1. Hey there. Thanks for putting up a link to my blog (bills of lading ) in your blog. I didn't know it was there or I would have reciprocated it before this.

    I have put up your link in my philatelic blog called the stamps of velu (http://stampsofvelu.blogspot.com) Do visit it sometimes.

    Cheers & good health,

  2. Certianly a great setting displayed there. Quite romantic in fact with smugglers' tales.

  3. The names Outer and Inner hope made me giggle!

  4. Very nice view. Pretty place !

  5. Very pretty. It did make me wonder exactly what was smuggled into Inner Hope, but that's just me. :)


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