Friday 15 May 2009

PFF: Macedonia

Skopje with its Neo-Classical architecture before the 1963 earthquake. Apart from that, no postmark and undated, because {{{shock}}} I downloaded the image from Wikimedia Commons and I wanted something fitting for my interview with Ana from My World of Postcards .

1. When did you first start collecting?

Well, I cant tell exactly...probably since I've started penpalling, when I was about 12 years old (that's 16 years ago)...I collected the postcards my penpals would send me, but I cant say I was a serious collector even though I loved it...I guess it had developed throughout the years

2. What made you start?

I love collecting long as something is collectable, count me in...and I ended up loving to see all those beautiful places of the world in my hands....

3. Why do you continue with it?

The addiction just grew on me...and I love both sending and receiving cards...I ENJOY the pleasure of finding something else in my mailbox but bills and leaflets...and I strive to see as more of this world as possible, or just get a card which I know would melt my heart...I really love all kinds of cards for a bunch of reasons.

4. Do you have any favourites or specialise in a country or theme?

I used to be focused on city/landscapes I love it all...but my heart gets a special beat at map cards, flag cards, Aurora Borealis, Formula 1 circuits, recipe cards, educational cards, all kinds of cool/cute cards...according to my own criteria...I love cards with a twist...I guess what matters more is the thought and the text on the back.

Ana's blog is My World of Postcards where she has just had a competition to guess which would be the 100th country in her collection - and has immediately outstripped it by now having 101.  I've never counted which countries I have but I'm guessing it's way below that.  I mustn't allow myself any further addiction.

A post for Postcard Friendship Friday.


  1. Very nice postcard! Beautiful view of the city that has been through so much. Thanks for sharing yourself with us in you interview!

  2. What a nice interview! Ana's been having back problems..poor thing..I think collecting postcards for her may be medicinal when it comes to fighting back pain too! How great that you found a card from Macedonia. It's the perfect match!

  3. The nice thing about trading postcards with Ana is that you get to correspond with a very smart, open and honest person.

  4. Happy PFF.
    Fantastic interview.
    I really liked your card and the information you shared today.
    Thank you .
    Have a happy weekend.

  5. Oh, another favorite postcrosser of mine, Ana :) I featured the postcard she sent me a while ago and it shows a recent view of the capital Skopje. Another great feature, Sheila!

    Postcards Crossing

  6. This postcard has a moody feel to it.
    And Wikimedia Commons is a great place to find images we can use. I consult it all the time with my students!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  7. What an interesting blog. I started collecting myself when I was around eight years old. I still have that postcard--though it is a bit ragged and crackly around the edges now.

    It is of an old ship which was shipwrecked on our coast before I was born. (grin)

  8. I would just like to add that Ana is a lovely swapper and penpal, and a pleasure to know. Very nice interview. :) And I love your blog!

    Katie -


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