Friday 10 July 2009

PFF: A letter box in England

I bought this card just the other day.  It will go to somebody in PostCrossing, if I can bring myself to part with it.

It shows a typical rural letterbox, probably a lamp box on a pole, though it's not clear how it is mounted.  UK letter boxes come in three main types:
  • The pillar box seen in my header but which can be hexagonal or oval in cross section.  Rectangular pillar boxes have been tried but discontinued.
  • The wall box which is normally mounted in a wall but can be on a pole.
  • The lamp box, a small box which is designed to be attached to a lamp post but which can be mounted on a free-standing pole or even in a wall.
The post is collected from the letter boxes at set times every day.  Once there used to be an indication on the front of the letter box to give the time of the next collection.  Nowadays they normally tell you only when the last collection of the day will occur.

A post for Postcard Friendship Friday.


  1. I didn't realize that there were so many letter boxes mounted on lamp poles in England. This one is certainly playing peek a boo! Happy Friday Sheila!

  2. Sheila, this is a beautiful card. I can understand you may not want to send it off.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, yes! This one is a treasure. The colours are beautiful and it is certainly eye-catching. I have always been entranced by both postcards and stamps. Fun, isn't it? PS. You can always send it to me!!

  4. A red mailbox among the pink flowers:beautiful!And the frame makes it more precious !

  5. that is beautiful, Sheila! I wish there were things like this here in SC. Happy PFF!

  6. I love this box Sheila - now you have me really hooked on postboxes! Next time I visit Belfast I will check out their red boxes.
    As you know ours (Ireland) are all green, but some of them are very old and English-made. Do you still have similar early 20th century ones in use in the U.K.?

  7. Howdy
    Happy Postcard Friendship Friday .
    Beautiful letter box.
    This would be hard to part with .
    Such a lovely view.
    Have a wonderful weekend !
    Happy Trails

  8. That's a great postcard. It seems like most countries have prettier mailboxes than U.S.

  9. It's the first time I've noticed one of these "postcard in a postcard" postcards in PFF.
    Is that a totally confusing sentence???

  10. what a happy little mailbox to be surrounded by all those flowers!

  11. Thanks for your comments everyone!

    @Blogaire, yes there are loads of older versions. The VR Victorian one seems to be especially popular - we have one at the end of our road - and some even preservation orders on them.

    @Kate, if you email me your address (to daily.postcard {at}, it's yours! At least I know it will go to a good home. :)

    @Evelyn, well I understood it. :)

  12. So cute and pretty mail box and I love the pink flowers too! AM pretty sure the person who will receive would be very happy.

  13. How VERY wonderful!

    I'm sorry I am coming by so late for Postcard Friendship Friday. My parents were involved in a roll-over accident on the freeway last Monday. Miraculously both of my dear parents survived and are recovering, leaving little time for blogging. I had a few minutes just now, though, so here I am.

    Happy PFF!


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