Monday, 15 March 2010

French cigarettes

I'm very uncertain what do do with this postcard, which was one of a pack I bought.  They are all reproductions of old French posters but four turned out to be advertising posters for cigarettes.  In these politically correct days, I feel people may object to being sent one, especially as this one and two others do make smoking seem very glamorous.

I can't say the same about the fourth one pictured here.  Apart from the unfortunate name of the cigarettes, the model herself seems much more down to earth.

I think probably the best thing is to offer them up as an exchange so people will know what to expect.  Any takers?


  1. How about sending them to that guy that runs Girls Go Postal? You know, the guy with the cigarette in his avatar?

  2. I think everyone knows how the world feels about cigarettes - sending one doesn't condone or suggest anything. Those cards are such beautiful art and I wouldn't mind receiving one at all.

  3. These are beautiful pieces of artwork, and I don't think that you are condoning smoking by sharing them. In fact, you are sharing the history of attitudes towards smoking and demonstrating how attitudes and styles shift over time.

  4. @Chris, why didn't I remember? Of course. :)

    @Linda, I'll be in touch and one will come your way.

    @Max, thank you. I'm obviously being over-sensitive.

  5. Thanks, Sheila; let me know what I can swap for them. :D

  6. I love these poster reproductions!

  7. I would LOVE one of these. airrikajswan(AT)gmail(dot)com I'm happy to exchange but I will be honset, I don't have anything that awesome!

  8. I don't smoke, but I think the cards are really fascinating :)


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