Sunday 25 July 2010

Persil washes whiter

Persil on voittamaton pesuaine - se onkin ihastuttanut naispiirit  kaikissa sivistysmaissa. Kun Te haluatte saada puhtainta ja raikkainta pesua vähimmällä vaivannäollä, niin ottakaa avuksenne Persil.

"When you want to get the cleanest and crisp while minimizing laundering efforts, then take help from Persil."

This reproduction of an old detergent poster reminds me in style of the old ads we used to have in the UK.  At least this one was a straightforward appeal to minimise effort unlike the ones where one little girl or boy didn't have such sparkling white shirt or dress.  Even as a child I could see what that was trying to do.

1 comment:

  1. Cute postcard. Whenever I visit my friends in England, I buy "Fairy Liquid" - my gay friends in San Francisco love it and like to have it on display in their kitchens!!


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