Wednesday, 9 February 2011


A self-portrait of the artist Karin Luts (1904-1993) from Estonia, painted in 1928.  I love gardening, I love this picture.

Karin Luts was one of the first female painters to be trained in Estonia.  Towards the end of WWII, in 1944, she fled Estonia with her husband and went to live in Sweden.  She lived there for the rest of her life.


  1. Certainly a unique image of a gardener. I continued to be amazed by your postcards.

  2. It is unusual mainly being a gardner and not really dressed for it.

  3. I love a well-dressed gardener. I always manage to be covered with dirt.

  4. For a moment there, I forgot about the title, didn't think about a gardener, but how interesting the clothes were.

  5. Oh! This is such a gorgeous post card! I love the styling and her interpretation of herself. What a lovely vintage card.


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