Friday 25 March 2011

The best band in the land?

If you can see it through the grime, the message on the back says, "This is the ragtime Band".  I detect some sarcasm there.  What a jolly bunch!  I think the man on the extreme right must be the leader of the band, since he has a big stick and no bagpipes.  I wonder if his name could be Alexander?

The card was produced by John Goldie, Arbuthnot Road, Loanhead, where, it says, copies or enlargements may be had, at any time.

This is a post for Postcard Friday, which is hosted by Beth Niquette at The Best Hearts are Crunchy.


  1. LOL. Big stick, eh? He doesn't hold a candle to Alexander! Thanks for playing along on Postcard Friendly Friday!

  2. I'm ready to go to whereever they are playing and listening to some good old ragtime. Great picture!!

  3. As the Goodies might say, great ecky thump caps. Bet they could make some loud music.

  4. What a fabulous postcard! I love the inscription on the back--it seems to be a little tongue in cheek? lol

    Have a beautiful weekend and happy PFF!

  5. Not the instruments I associate with ragtime. But, I like it!

  6. Perhaps the comment is tongue in cheek, as ragtime is a type of American music, very popular in its day, not usually played on bagpipes.

  7. I'd love to hear ragtime on bagpipes. Jolly bunch, aren't they! Nice addition to PFF!

  8. possibly bought on vacation and she wanted to remember as it was such an unlikely group for that type of band?

  9. A still moment, a silent band...
    Makes me think of the importance of hats/head-dresses in people's lives, throughout history.
    Why do some people "absolutely, positively" need a hat?
    There are many good reasons, and a few bad ones, maybe.

  10. Not your usual type of boys band. :)

    Joining PFF for the first time and I'm late! :)
    Postcard Friendship Friday#1


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