Sunday, 27 March 2011


I found the card from Finland, sent to me last year, had some lovely spring flower stamps on it, showing the flowers in close up and from further away.  Then I found some from the UK, in the days of pounds, shillings and pence.  They are part of a set of British wild flowers published in 1967.

Our clocks change this weekend, so it really is officially British Summer Time.    But it's hard to tell.  Right on cue, the rain started after a week of lovely sunshine.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps, now hosted by Violet Sky at "See it on a Postcard!"


  1. I had one of the other three stamps issued in the UK at the same time as the stamps you show. They are beautiful stamps.

  2. We had about six weeks of wonderful flowering trees and spring blossoms, now history with two weeks of torrential downpours.

    Nice postcard, this one!

  3. Beautiful today, I always enjoy it when you have the lovely stamps on as well as the cards.Hope you've had a great weekend and look forward to a new week of great post cards.

  4. Flowers is truly an "official" sign of Spring. :)
    My First Sunday Stamp

  5. Pretty close ups in the Finnish stamps, I like all the different themes going on in the postcard.

  6. looks like flowers have been popular this sunday! nothing sums up spring better i suppose...these are lovely!

  7. It got colder her this week and it looks like some of the spring flowers that were coming up are freezing before they bloom.

  8. Love the Finnish ones. Thank you for participating.


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