Friday, 22 April 2011

A canopy of trees

It's Earth Day today, 22 April 2011.  One of the themes of Earth Day is The Canopy Project, with the aim of planting a billion trees to help protect and restore the world's forests.  Reforestation is most needed in places like Brazil, Haiti, Mexico and urban areas in the USA.

I'm illustrating this theme with cards I've received recently:

From Finland, the four seasons of a single tree.

From Belarus, a view from the Belarussian National Park.  This mixed forest is protected by UNESCO because it is the last remaining part of the ancient forest that once covered much of Europe.  It is home to a wide range of flora and fauna.

And last, but not least, the most beautiful view of a tree in South Africa, another sent to me by Emm of Emm in London

This is a post for Postcard Friday, which is hosted by Beth Niquette at The Best Hearts are Crunchy.


  1. These are great! I Love, Love, Love the 4 seasons of the single tree!

  2. I agree with Aimee, all the postcards are fantastic. The 4 seasons of a single tree my favourite and the postcard from SA is simply breath-taking.

    Sending my greetings for the Easter and Earth Day celebrations.

    Postcards Crossing

  3. Great photos, seasoned no less! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing - I'm partial to the lovely tree from South Africa. Happy Earth Day!

  5. Loved these very much especially the 4 seasons

  6. The four season card depict the wonderful color of nature.

    My Postcard Friendship Friday

  7. More trees!!! Love the cards for Earth day ... happy PFF!

  8. I love tree cards too! these are beautiful ones.

  9. All beautiful cards and a great cause as well. Have a very Happy Easter!

  10. Happy Pff and happy earth day!

  11. same tree, different season...lovely idea! happy earth day, happy easter and of course, happy PFF!

  12. The tree is beautiful in each season! Lovely post. I repeat the three greetings - Happy Easter, Happy Earth Day and Happy PFF.

  13. Happy Earth Day! I just love the Finland one of the four seasons. Lovely! And with my love of forests, I adore the Pushcha forest one in Belarus. I'd love o visit there one day.

    Of course, I ♥ the African thorn tree the most.


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