Friday 21 October 2011

Selling onions in the Andes

"Nada menos, no sale mamita"

I don't buy my onions like this, but I wish I did.  It looks much more fun than the suspiciously sterile and uniform ones on offer in our shops.  These ones are being sold in a market in Peru in the Andes.

I don't know how much fun the baby is having though.  I suspect he or she will be awake soon and complaining loudly about a stiff neck.

This is a post for Postcard Friendship Friday hosted on Beth Niquette's blog The Best Hearts are Crunchy.


  1. This is a wonderful postcard for celebrating Friendship Friday....and funny isn't it when a baby is really tired what they can sleep through!

  2. I love onions and use them in just about everything. Love this picture.

  3. I didn’t realise onions were so soporific! This could be the end of my insomnia.

  4. Great card. That's a true farmer's market complete with the farmer's family. Happy PFF!

  5. Is this actually a postcard?

  6. @Karen, I wish my babies had been like that. :)

    @Odie, I use a lot of onions too, almost all the time.

    @Little Nell, maybe only the smell of them would do? I wonder if there's money in the idea?

    @Snap, a farmers' market as it was originally, I suppose.

    @Irene, yes, though it was posted to me from Argentina.

  7. Hello Sheila,

    Wow you gave such a thrill bringing me to a street market of Peru. This country is also on my list, you know the cities I want to see before dying. I take a little piece of Peru everytime I go to Paris, there place to listen music it's not the same but it's help waiting.

    Don't worry about the baby I won't be surprise that she took him away as soon as she was sure that moving him from her back wouldn't awake him.

    So you like onions ? in omelet or everywhere ?

    Happy FPP dear, it's always a pleasure


  8. I cook with huge amounts of onions and garlic!

    Wonder if baby always smells like onions...perhaps the scent is soothing to him!


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