Saturday, 3 March 2012

The games people play

Seaspeed SRN 4 Hovercraft "Princess Margaret" is operated by British Rail Hovercraft Limited. High speed service crossing between Dover and Boulogne in 35 minutes carrying 30 cars and 250 passengers.
I bought these two cards (dated 1976) for three reasons:  I live nearby these routes; I've travelled on a hovercraft on a number of occasions (and happy not to do so again); the services have been discontinued.

You may wonder where the connection is with games, and the answer lies in the message on the reverse of the second, a message from Roland to a mystery woman.

My rough and ready translation:
Thank you for your little card.  I could hardly believe it.  While waiting for the boat to Holland, I'm thinking of you a lot and I'm taking the opportunity to tell you.  I hope that we will be able to see each other again soon, now that school has gone back.  Watch the little square by the bridge carefully in the morning when taking your children to school.  I can't wait to kiss you, so that you have lovely dreams.  See you one of these days and I hope we will have more time.  Kisses.  Roland.
Oooooh.  I wonder what sort of a game was going on here?

The other card had a message too: "Please ask the milkman to leave me an extra pint". Not quite so interesting.

A post for Sepia Saturday.  A click on the button will take you to the blog.
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  1. Obviously a message that was best sent 'under cover' (as it were).
    I never made the crossing on a hovercraft, but did go on a jetfoil back in the 1980s.

  2. Is there a game called "Hanky Panky?"

  3. Lisa and Bob are too quick. I think too the "milkman" message is code for something else.

  4. I never see that sort of craft so it was very interesting and the message too. Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  5. Oh that message was so mysterious. Conjures up all kinds of stories. Wonder what the square on the bridge was all about. Hmmm.

  6. I agree with Bob Hanky Panky. Yes probably code on the pint part. LOL

  7. Did her marriage fall apart after her husband read the postcard? or was she the nurse maid taking "her" children to school? or was she a single mother and Roland proposed when he returned from his trip because he finally realized that she was the one, even with those school children?

  8. Ooooh, Roland! How intriguing :-) Jo

  9. Well, it may have something to do with your title...Oh the games some people play....or not....we just will never know for sure! We have some recreational Hovercrafts here to have fun with. Once I had to laugh when my children were on an icy lake in the hovercraft and when they came to open water...but of course the Hovercraft just flew a few inches over the icy water anyway...but it did scare of few people out on the ice!

  10. A mystery game, no less... but not with the milkman! :)

  11. A clandestine love affair or?? This is really a guessing game. Nonetheless the postcards are interesting, even the one for the milkman! Well done.

  12. How intriguing. What a pity we'll never know the outcome.

  13. I've been on a hovercraft once, it was a bumpy ride! Intriguing message on the second post card ...

  14. I love the milkman message - similar to text messaging today but took a little longer to get there.

  15. These hovercraft had such a relatively short life, they will soon be real collector items. I rode across a few times and found the noise more unsettling than a boat crossing.

  16. Ummm, I'm a romantic at heart so I am hoping there might have been another kiss.


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