Friday 8 May 2015


Alice in Wonderland, by George Dunlop Leslie, 1879.

Since it's Mother's Day tomorrow in many parts of the world, I thought this picture of a mother reading to her daughter might be appropriate.  This is, in fact Leslie's own daughter, Alice.

The picture hangs in the Royal Pavilion, in Brighton.  It is one of the 54 tiny pictures of women reading on the postcard I received last December.

This is a post for Postcard Friendship Friday, hosted by Beth at The Best Hearts are Crunchy.


  1. This is a beautiful postcard and just perfect for Mother's Day. It almost looks like the little girl needs comforting by Mom

  2. Happy PFF Shiela! I saw the other post with the rest of the reading postcards. Awesome!


Welcome to my postcard collection! I love hearing what you think of the cards - but spam WILL be deleted.

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