Saturday 8 May 2010

Day and night, night and day

This is the first time I've seen this way of presenting a building with both day-time and night-time images side by side.  It's an attractive view.

It shows the High Gate (once known as the Upper Gate) in Olsztyn in Poland.  The gate dates from the 14th century but was extensively renovated in the 19th century when the stepped gables were added.  It has had many uses over the years after the original function of city gate.  It was once a prison, more recently the headquarters of a fire brigade, a police station, and a registration office.  I believe it is now used as a hotel.
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  1. Most interesting! I wonder how noisy it is in that hotel?

  2. ty for the visit happy monday

  3. It is pretty ancient! It must have required some kind of remodeling to make it a hotel.


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