Tuesday 2 November 2010


This is a card sent to my father in 1976 from Iran.  It shows the dome of the mosque of Sha-Cheragh, a mosque and funerary monument in Shiraz.  I can do no better than to quote the message from the sender:
Shiraz is situated about 600 miles south of Tehran, in the province onf Fras (from which the nme of Persia is derived).  Quoting from the brochure, "it is a haven for poets, philosophers and artists. The shrine of Sha-Cheragh is the holiest place in Shiraz and holds the tomb of the elder brother of Imam Rezu, the eighth Imam, in the Shiite sect of Islam."  The weather today is beautiful & I've just had lunch amongst the orange blossoms in the Narenjestan-E-Qaram, a very attractive garden that surrounds an elegant 19th century house.  Going back to Esfahan tomorrow, then Tehran and Mashod.
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  1. A beautiful mosque, the sender's trip sounds very interesting.

  2. A beautiful work of art but even better to read the words written so long ago.

  3. What a beautiful mosque - so much intricate work in it.

  4. I like what you doing. Your narrative is inspiring and educational. And yeah, post cards uproot downtrodden history.

    Beautiful postcard ! Loved it. :)


  5. I'm a newcomer to your blog but I can tell already that I'm going to like it here.
    Even though I work for Royal Mail nowadays my interest in postcards goes back to my childhood in the mid 80's when I used to save any postcards that were sent to the family home.
    I've still got every one and my collection is growing every year.
    I'm now going to look back through your posts and I'll try and leave some comments as I go.
    Keep up the great work.

  6. @Lisa, it does sound interesting, doesn't it? I wish I'd been there.
    @Odie, I agree, somehow the words make it come alive.
    @jabblog, it is beautiful. It looks almost like mosaic.
    @Monalisa, thanks. :)
    @Paul, welcome! Thanks for visiting and I do hope you find something of interest.

  7. Gosh, that is really exquisite. I would love to visit there one day but fear that it is simply not safe at the moment.

  8. @Nedemgirl, it is very beautiful.

    @Emm, I'd love to, too. It's such an ancient and interesting part of the world. My son was there some time ago when things were nowhere as bad as they are now.


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