Monday, 18 October 2010

Seeing double

At first I thought it was a cat and its reflection, but no, there are two white cats.  This card is a great delight to me and one that is on permanent display.  I love cats and have one of my own.  At this very minute he is sitting on my printer telling me what I should say. 


  1. Nooo there would be no way that that would be a reflection of the white cat (which you obviously already know) because if you look the 2 cats are 2 different sizes, are slightly different colors of white and they have 2 totally different expressions on their faces.
    Either way I love cats, white cats, all cats and this photo!

    Cat Chat

  2. A unique picture for sure. I am on our first full day at sea on the Carnival Glory and it is a beautiful ship with so much color. Also has a huge screen on the upper deck so watch news or movies and a screen inside that shows your location at any given time and even he depth of the sea. Last I saw we were in water at 12,000 ft. Later my friend.

  3. Very sweet card! They surely must be related :-)
    Our cat tells me what to blog too - and even blogs himself from time to time.

  4. This is an adorable card, I love cats, and animals in general.

  5. What a cute card. I love cards with animals :)

  6. This is a gorgeous card. I too am a cat-lover.

  7. Aah! Too cute! I love cats and can see why this is on permanent display!

  8. My cat likes to perch on my printer too. One of them. This is a nice picture. :)

  9. Awww, how sweet. I have two little ones. A manx and a calico. How is it that they always end up in the window by your computer or printer. Oh, and they conveniently like to walk across the keyword when you're blogging. lol

  10. Lovely post card and I am laughing at the vision of you cat telling you what to type@

  11. adorable!!!! yh they do look like twins:))

  12. I'm very glad that you all like this card as much as I do. One of the odd things about it was that it is a card published in France but sent to me from the Netherlands. It was published in a tiny little village, SĂ©guret, I visited last year! I saw no sign of any postcard publisher while I was there.


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