Tuesday 5 April 2011

Convent Thoughts

I saw this picture on line and fell in love with it, so when I was given an opportunity to have the postcard sent to me I jumped at the chance.

The details in the picture are amazing.  Not only can you see the illustrations in the book and the flowers growing in the garden, but even down to the stitching on the robes.  I would dearly love to see it in real life, so I made an effort to find out more about it.

It turns out that it can be seen at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford which is a bit of a push for me, but I could possibly make it.  It's by Charles Alston Collins, an English painter of the 19th century.  The interesting thing about him to me is that he was the brother of Wilkie Collins, the author of "Woman in White" and other books.  Obviously a very talented family.

The background was painted in Oxford and the flowers were painted in the garden of the Oxford University Press.  Thomas Combe, who was Printer to the University at the time, bought the painting and later bequeathed it to the Ashmolean where it has stayed to this day..
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  1. What a lovely serene garden. I love the reflection in the water.

  2. That is indeed quite stunning. It has the look of a tarot card about it (which I think is lovely).

    Isn't seeing art in real life such a treat?

  3. @Scrappy Grams, yes I think you've hit the nail on the head - serenity, that's the appeal!

    @Emm, I hadn't thought of a tarot card, but it does have that look. There is nothing like seeing art in real life - the impact is so different.

  4. The detail is amazing and I can see how you are attracted to it.

  5. It seems like it might be worth the trip to Oxford!

  6. I have a vision of you jumping at the chance.


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