Wednesday 12 September 2012

Troilus and Cressida play American football

Unusual to say the least.  If I hadn't read on the back of the card that this picture was taken from a scene of Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida", I'm afraid I would never have guessed, certainly not from the costumes.  It was sent by a theatre lover in Germany.

The German translates, very roughly, as, "war is play and play is love and love is war".  I can't find any quote from Troilus and Cressida that's exactly the same.  The nearest is, "hot blood begets hot thoughts, and hot
thoughts beget hot deeds, and hot deeds is love".  
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  1. Shakespeare? Really? It is? Troilus quote:
    All lovers swear more performance than they are able, and yet reserve an ability that they never perform; Because of the American football, you see."

  2. I am one of the few that watch little football except for a little college football.

  3. I am not a football fan though I will root for the home team, the SF 49ers. I did go to the high school and college football games of my two sons. Maternal responsibility - though I didn't love being out there in the cold!


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