Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Da Vinci code

I love this card which superimposes two of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings, Vetruvian Man and his study of hands and arms.  I feel it's a shame that somebody felt it was necessary to add "The Da Vinci Code" but without the Code we probably wouldn't have had the card.  I imagine there are many more people in this world who know of da Vinci now than there were a few years ago.

I've read a few of Dan Brown's books, starting with Angels and Demons.  I will admit I enjoyed that more than the Da Vinci Code.  By the time I read Deception Point and then Digital Fortress, I'd had my fill of that type of book.  So I never did see the film, which in a way was something of a pity because part of it was filmed in Winchester Cathedral when I lived nearby.  It would have been fun to see it, in the place of Westminster Abbey I believe.

Did anybody see the film?  Did it follow the book faithfully?  I suppose it will turn up on TV before too long, if it hasn't already.
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  1. Already come and gone on tv. Winchester? I didn't know that. I couldn't make myself watch it on tv all the way through and that's towards the end. I did read the book. Only because I love things French.

  2. The book doesn't quite fit with history and the film doesn't quite fit with the book, but how can you resume such a book in 90 minutes?

  3. Yes I saw the film, a big disappointment after the book.

  4. I saw the movie and I think book was quite good as compare to movie.

  5. Part of the movie was filmed at Lincoln Cathedral too :-)

    I read the first four books... They were okay, but I wouldn't read them again and so far I haven't bothered with The Lost Symbol.

  6. Hah! This is the second discussion I've had about Dan Brown today! I've only seen Angels and Demons and I gave it half a star!

  7. I actually read neither book, nor did I see the films....I'm so not part of the "in crowd" - woe is me.

  8. The book was much better than the movie. I couldn't get into the movie Angels and Demons. It was a disappointment. I'll agree with Emm and give it a half star.


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