Tuesday 6 September 2011

Michigan's State Stone

Petoskey Stone - Hexagonaria Percarinata.
Michigan's State Stone, Petoskey Stones, were once living coral that existed some 350 million years ago.   Over time the coral became fossilized and glaciers scattered the stones along Lake Michigan near Petoskey and across Michigan to the Lake Huron shoreline.  

Petoskey stones are gray and rough when found but when polished the beautiful rich coral pattern emerges.  Polished Petoskey Stones have a smooth surface ans are highly prized as gifts and jewelry. 
The stones on this card have been shaped and arranged to look like the map of of Michigan.  I have to be honest and say that I didn't see it was a map until I was told.

Similar coral fossils can be found in other places but Petoskey Stones must have a six-sided structure with a distinctive eye at the centre.


  1. The Upper Peninsula looked like an animal to me. I should have recognised the State outline as I have a golf cap with it on. MI those Petoskey stones look interesting.

  2. Looks like Michigan. Or maybe Ireland. One of those. ;)

  3. Did you know the Blarney Stone is the national stone of...

    Oh. You did. I see.

  4. Now that was really interesting, will have to look up and see what NC's stone is.


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