Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Map of Connecticut

After the great hilarity caused when I referred to an island as nut shaped, I hope for better when I present to you Connecticut, the Nutmeg State.  According to Wikipedia, nobody really knows the reason for the state being called the Nutmeg State. One suggestion is that peddlers from Connecticut used to sell small carved pieces of wood, shaped and looking like nutmegs, to customers.

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  1. First, you can't get better than hilarity. :) Luckily, CT is shaped like a meat cleaver and not a nut. It was settled by sailors, as you say, and a lot of them were from Barbados whence they had been transported for various offenses, to be indentured into the sugar cane/rum plantations there. When soldiers were needed for the Pequot war, some of these folks were "allowed" to go to CT and fight, and gain their freedom. That's how my first ancestor came to Connecticut in 1637. Kent to CT by way of Barbados. :) Nutmeg in Barbados? Who knows, CT is the Constitution State officially, and the Nutmeg State may be a joke.

    So perhaps still hilarious. :)

    I've never been there so couldn't tell you for sure. Sigh.

  2. Max, thank you. You are far better than Wikipedia and all the card told me was "The Nutmeg State". I didn't know any of that. Your first ancestor came from Kent? He fell on this earth in Kent?

  3. I don't think I said that falling to earth part. And I don't even know if he was transported or did the transporting (the auld records refer to him as "Captain Richard Osborn" - I must send you off to the dusty Kent records bin someday) But I like to think he was a highwayman working the road to London and "retiring" to Barbados. I'm hoping the "Captain" was because of the Pequot War and not a sailor. Though there may have been ships in Kent back then. One can dream.

  4. We in the New World refer to our "first" ancestors as the first immigrant to the land of milk and honey; the first to escape bondage in England. Or elsewhere, I suppose.


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